God Knows Me

God, You created this entire universe, so vast and beautiful, so mysterious and wonderful.

You also created me.  You conceived me before I was born.  You knit me together in my mother’s womb.  And You patterned me after Yourself.

You love me.  You know every thought before I express it, every word before I speak it.  Yet You love me.

And You want me to know and love You.  You want that more than anything. 

My Creator, I don’t want to ignore such an inriguing possibility.

God, I want to know You.

If you’re a Christian who plans to sit this election out and not vote with the appointment of Supreme Court Justices and the freedom of religion on the ballot, you need to prepare to sit down and remain silent for at least the next 30 to 40 years. The time to stand up, speak out and be heard is NOW, not after the election. The time to make a difference is now.

The Most Renewable Energy Resource in  the Universe is Readily Available Right Now

A little girl responded to the question, “Who are the Saints?” with, “Those are the people that the light shines through.”  Now, she was only thinking of the stained glass windows in the Church but she was more right than she knew because all Christians are expected by Jesus Himself to let His light shine through them into the world around us.  That is not to be at some future time but right now and at all times which creates a sustainable Christian influence that is so desparately needed at this time.

To be merely part-time Saints, or Saints by-and-by is an unsustainable pathway that causes the shortage we see of positive influence.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there is quite obviously a shortage of THE TRULY RENEWABLE ENERGY flowing from heavenly realms in our world but only because it is NOT BEING TAPPED INTO in the manner in which it should be AT THIS TIME.  IT IS so remarkably and READILY AVAILABLE that it almost boggles the mind that WE ARE NOT EXPLOITING IT IN THE MANNER IN WHICH WE SHOULD BE.

That is definitely a shame because it is the most ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY POSITIVE ENGERGY SOURCE IMAGINABLE.  The Creator has asked us and in fact challenged us, over and over, to exploit it to the greatest extent we possibly can.  He is not worried in the least bit about us wasting it because the only way in which it can be wasted is in the not using this limitless resource.  It is to our own personal detriment that we fail to tap into what He has so freely provided.

Praise God, this is the day that He has created, let each one of us walk in it in His glorious light.  We are not the light, He is the light and we are like the moon when we reflect His light.

Now, Saints, let’s get out there and be the “moon” to the world.  –Pastor Ward Clinton

This is a call for a federal investigation of Hillary Clinton and her campaign for their crimes.

Politicians like Obama and Hillary have little respect for the laws when it gets in the way of their personal agenda therefore it should come as no surprise to us when we see them despising the moral compass of Christianity and seeking ways to override and force Christians to comply with their agenda rather than obey God.

Hillary and Bill have never actually served the public but have only used public offices to benefit themselves with little concern for those who get hurt in the process.

–Pastor Ward Clinton

Hillary Hath Commanded

Hillary, speaking at the Women in the World Summit on April 23 made the statement that Christians must deny their Faith through the enforcement of laws, by stating that the Christian belief in being pro-life, and anti-abortion, must change, and that this should be done through laws and “political will.”

Hillary is essentially saying that Christians must deny their faith in God and place their faith in Soros, her god, and herself.  Hillary, Obama, and Soros are all competing for the position of god of this world.

I almost forgot to mention that Tim Kaine, Hillary’s running mate, says the Catholic Church will change its stance on Same Sex Marriage or else he and Hillary will force them to comply by newly created laws.  I know the constitution forbids them doing that but they don’t care and her handpicked Supreme Court will follow her orders.

–Pastor Ward Clinton

Obama Caused Syrian Crisis

Obama is the cause of the Syrian crisis as the founder of ISIS. He is setting up a death trap for the people of America. In the meantime the cofounder of ISIS and Presidential candidate Hillary has purchased millions worth of firearms to equip the trojan refugees for them to join other Islamic militants preparing for war in US.

Grifters in Chief

Another column from the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley A. Strassel, her latest, titled “Grifters In Chief” continues her case against making Hillary Clinton our next President. It’s based on a 2011 memo from longtime Bill Clinton aide Doug Band which makes it clear that whatever work they are doing, whether ostensibly for themselves, for we, the people, or for charity, the Clintons are still interested in only one thing- making themselves richer and/or more powerful. And they always were, and they always will be. Here’s the column:
“In an election season that has been full of surprises, let’s hope the electorate understands that there is at least one thing of which it can be certain: A Hillary Clinton presidency will be built, from the ground up, on self-dealing, crony favors, and an utter disregard for the law.
This isn’t a guess. It is spelled out, in black and white, in the latest bombshell revelation from WikiLeaks. It comes in the form of a memo written in 2011 by longtime Clinton errand boy Doug Band, who for years worked simultaneously at the Clinton Foundation and at the head of his lucrative consulting business, Teneo.
It is astonishingly detailed proof that the Clintons do not draw any lines between their “charitable” work, their political activity, their government jobs or (and most important) their personal enrichment. Every other American is expected to keep these pursuits separate, as required by tax law, anticorruption law and campaign-finance law. For the Clintons, it is all one and the same—the rules be damned.
The memo came near the end of a 2011 review by law firm Simpson Thacher & Bartlett into Clinton Foundation practices. Chelsea Clinton had grown concerned about the audacious mixing of public and private, and the review was designed to ensure that the foundation didn’t lose its charitable tax status. Mr. Band, Teneo boss and epicenter of what he calls “ Bill Clinton, Inc.,” clearly felt under assault and was eager to brag up the ways in which his business had concurrently benefited the foundation, Clinton political causes and the Clinton bank account. The memoed result is a remarkably candid look at the sleazy inner workings of the Clinton grifters-in-chief.
The cross-pollination is flagrant, and Mr. Band gives example after example of how it works. He and his partner Declan Kelly (a Hillary Clinton fundraiser whom Mrs. Clinton rewarded by making him the State Department’s special envoy to Northern Ireland) buttered up their clients with special visits to Bill’s home and tête-à-tête golf rounds with the former president. They then “cultivated” these marks ( Coca-Cola, Dow Chemical, UBS) for foundation dollars, and then again for high-dollar Bill Clinton speeches and other business payouts.
Teneo’s incestuous behavior also included Mrs. Clinton’s State Department. The Band memo boasts that Mr. Kelly (while he was Mrs. Clinton’s State envoy) introduced the then-head of UBS Wealth Management, Bob McCann, to Bill Clinton at an American Ireland Fund event in 2009. “Mr. Kelly subsequently asked Mr. Mccann [sic] to support the Foundation, which he did . . . Mr. Kelly also encouraged Mr. Mccann [sic] to invite President Clinton to give several paid speeches, which he has done,” reads Mr. Band’s memo. UBS ultimately paid Bill $2 million.
American Ireland Fund meanwhile became a Teneo client, and made Mr. Kelly (of former State envoy fame) a trustee, where he “ensured that the AIF is a significant donor to the Foundation.” AIF then bestowed upon Mrs. Clinton a major award on her final trip to Northern Ireland in 2012, in an event partly sponsored by . . . Teneo.

Not that this is all one way. Mr. Band let slip just how useful all these arrangements were for Teneo, too, when he backhandedly apologized in the memo for hosting 15 client meetings in a hotel room rented by the Clinton Global Initiative.
The memo removes any doubt that the foundation is little more than an unregistered super PAC working on the Clintons’ behalf. Donors to the charity are simultaneously tapped to give Bill speech requests and other business arrangements, including the $3.5 million he was paid annually to serve as “honorary chairman” of Laureate International Universities. Mr. Band’s memo also notes his success at getting donors to “support candidates running for office that President Clinton was supporting.”
It’s now 2016 and Bill’s most favorite candidate is running for the presidency. There’s no question foundation donors are being “leveraged” for Mrs. Clinton.
Mr. Band wants credit in the memo for prodding existing foundation donors to pony up more money, though the donation statistics he provides paint a different picture. By and large, donations to the foundation begin to spike dramatically in 2009 and 2010. Mr. Band didn’t form Teneo until 2011. What was happening in 2009? Mrs. Clinton was sworn in as one of the most powerful politicians on the planet.
The obvious question is where are the prosecutors? (For that matter, where is Lois Lerner when you need her?) Any nonprofit lawyer in America knows the ironclad rule of keeping private enrichment away from tax-exempt activity, for the simple reason that mixing the two involves ripping off taxpayers. Every election lawyer in the country lives in fear of stepping over the lines governing fundraising and election vehicles. The Clintons recognize no lines.
Here’s the lasting takeaway: The Clintons spent their White House years explaining endless sleazy financial deals, and even capping their exit with a scandal over whether Bill was paid to pardon financier Marc Rich. They know the risks. And yet they geared up the foundation and these seedy practices even as Mrs. Clinton was making her first bid for the presidency. They continued them as she sat as secretary of state. They continue them still, as she nears the White House.
This is how the Clintons operate. They don’t change. Any one who pulls the lever for Mrs. Clinton takes responsibility for setting up the nation for all the blatant corruption that will follow.”
Write to kim@wsj.com.

–Pastor Ward Clinton