Biden’s Inflation

As we thought, Jun-CPI +9.1% (expected +8.8%). May-CPI +8.6%
Core was +.7% (expected +.5%).

Highest inflation in 41 years (since Reagan end of Carter-Reagan recession) and showing acceleration which will force Fed to more aggressively bring inflation down to 3-5% by raising short rates by 1% next week and again in Aug (no FOMC scheduled; may elect to hold ad hoc meeting between Jul.26 & Sep.20)

May-PPI (Thu) will likely show +11.5%, up from +10.8%.

Yield curve is now inverted by +11bp short-long (not insignificant) indicating recession ahead.

Continue the line upward to the right and near record levels.

Bette Midler’s Weird Tweet

“Which one,” you might ask. She is a never-ending source of Hollyweird liberal lunacy, after all.

In a tweet she said, “Women of the world! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name! They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore; they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators,’ and even ‘people with vaginas’! Don’t let them erase you!”


Bette’s Twitter feed is all about whining about the existence of the 2nd Amendment, Trump, and SCOTUS over-ruling Roe v Wade. She apparently thinks “birthing people” is a right-wing thing and not a Woke twat thing started by people on her side who have the opinion that men can be women. Strangely enough, though, she rejects the notion that women can be men; no effort to be “inclusive” there.

In spite of Bette’s convoluted “logic” the “they” in Bette’s tweet would be Joe’s administration and like-minded persons.  Perhaps she might want to call Biden and fuss at him instead of foolishly attacking her fellow “woke” ones.  As a washed-up CIS-gendered actress she might want to avoid offending her remaining but dwindling fan base although, woke-people tend to not be the brightest crayons in the box even though they imagine themselves to be.

Just saying; Eccl 10:2 is applicable, very applicable –

Second Amendment of US Constitution

Obama complained and called the Constitution a document of negative liberties. Initially that did not make sense to me, after considering what he said and watching his actions I began to realize that what he and many other leftists hate is that said document is intended to protect “We, the people” from power-hungry politicians who want to strip us of all our freedoms.

VP Kamala Harris speaks

VP Kamala Harris reportedly said: “Gas prices are high due to gas prices not being low as before. To get back to lower prices we have to acknowledge gas is high which is the opposite of low.”

Some deny she said that but is so very hard to know for sure because of some of the other things she has said which sound much like that. Thus, it is no surprise the rest of the world is laughing at us.

the “fact checkers” say this is not true but I tend to trust 7/11 sushi more than I do the truth mafia. She may not have said it but I’ve heard enough of her statements to know that it is entirely plausible. The video of her speaking July 5, 2022 at Highland Park lends credibility to the quote above.