Twitter and Musk

I have no idea if Elon Musk is a believer or not. I do know that he’s currently fighting an evil machine so that puts me, at least temporarily, on his side. God has historically used many unlikely men and women to accomplish His purpose. This will be fun to watch. #JesusIsKing
-Gary Chapman singer/songwriter

Joseph R
Liberals don’t want free speech. They only want to allow speech that they agree with. This is why Facebook and twitter want to control speech and allow liberals to have the ability to preach hate on these platforms and shut down any speech that they don’t agree with. Liberals use these platforms to protect Democrats.

I actually saw a quote from a Washington post writer, stating in reference to Musk buying Twitter “democracy needs more moderation not less” really? some of these people say the most bizarre things, it’s like they have no self awareness at all.🤔

Brad Brown
I love watching the liberals flail and squirm at the thought of somebody getting away with disagreeing with them. All the tyrants of the past would just love today’s left wing Americans.

The internet was expecting fireworks between Elon Musk and Twitter’s Board of Directors this week. Not many, however, were expecting Ron DeSantis to enter the chat. America’s Governor was asked about Musk’s offer to buy the bird app and the board of directors launching a “poison pill” to reject it. The interesting thing is that DeSantis didn’t respond as a conservative critic of Big Tech, DeSantis answered the question as a Twitter shareholder. Florida’s pension fund is invested in Twitter. Twitter’s board of directors is making political decisions at the expense of shareholders which includes Floridians.

Florida’s pension fund is invested in Twitter. Twitter’s board of directors is making political decisions at the expense of shareholders which includes Floridians.

“We’re gonna be looking at ways the state of Florida potentially can be holding these Twitter board of directors accountable for breaching their fiduciary duty.”

He accused the board of being a ruling junta using their policies to try to marginalize people who disagree with them. He also pointed out how people most hostile to Musk are from corporate media outlets like Washington Post and CNN. “Their view is that they should be able to control the discourse. They should be able to control what you hear and think. They should be able to impose a narrative on our society,” an Elon Musk rep.

Now the shareholder part is where things start to get really interesting. Florida isn’t the only state whose pension fund is invested in Twitter. The market fluctuates, sure, but states rely on companies in their funds to be making the best financial decisions possible to increase share value. If a company is making a business decision for political reasons that adversely affect the fund, there is no reason to stay invested in it.

Mike Rowe and The Poorly Educated

Whenever Mike Rowe speaks out about the lack of work ethics in the current generation, he gets accused of pushing “right-wing propaganda,” that tells us a lot about the left wing!

Jennifer H:
Unfortunately, he’s so right! We have gotten way too comfortable with being ‘lead’ to where government wants us to be, and not striving ourselves to where we want to go.

Laura F:
Unfortunately, that’s true! My daughter in HR sees this! It’s a shame! Lack of a work ethic and moral decay of society! Too many ‘handouts’ from government hasn’t helped! Handouts were supposed to be a ‘hand up’ not a generational ‘I take’ and ‘not give back’ policy!

The government handouts were sold to the American people as helping but the crafters of the legislation may have been less than honest even then when considering the manner in which they vilified and misrepresented the motives of the opposition.

Jeanne C:
I disagree, Sure there are a lot of lazy “entitled” young people, but the majority of the young people 18 to 30 that I know bust their butts every day to try to make ends meet in this sad time [of Bidenflation] when rent and living expenses, especially health insurance ,are so high that they cannot afford to live independently very comfortably. When I graduated college In the 70s I could afford a small apartment, feed myself ,and I had at least nominal insurance. I could afford my car and my car insurance. I was working at a health club at the time… In this day and age rent alone takes a huge portion of their paycheck. Car and car insurance outrageous. Health insurance, heck they can’t even afford it.

Cindy R:
Jeanne C, THANK YOU! The idea of being able to completely provide for yourself working at a health club is crazy to my generation. I had to live with 3 to 4 roommates at a time to get by after college. All these older folks say that we are lazy and entitled, but the same efforts that allowed you to live well in your time just don’t pay off the same way anymore. It’s sad.

Cindy, That’s because in our time we didn’t have cell phones or the internet or eat fast food. So yes the money we made then went a long way. Today no matter how much we make it’s never enough.

Mary E:
JoAnn, I’m 64 and bring my lunch to work every day. All the under 30s in the office order Grub Hub or Door Dash every day. The other day one had a small pizza and Pepsi delivered for$25. The same pizza is $14 if you pick up about a mile away. Packing lunch is a couple of dollars. But that’s just too hard. So much money spent foolishly and wasted.