Does the Qur’an have the same evidence that the Bible does?

Does the Qur’an have the same evidence that the Bible does?.

There are a lot of reasons for doubting that the Qur’an is inspired.

-It contradicts known facts of science. For example, it teaches that the sun actually descends down into a muddy spring on the earth (Surah 18:86). You could get away with a statement like that in certain parts of the world in the seventh century. Obviously, today, we know that the sun is actually on a circuit through space.

-The Qur’an contradicts known facts of history. For example, it denies that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified on a cross (Surah 4:157), something that has been substantiated not only by the Bible but also by extrabiblical sources, such as the Jewish Talmud and Flavius Josephus.

-The Qur’an has multiple internal inconsistencies.

There are no good reasons to accept the Qur’an as inspired Scripture. The most popular evidence that Muslims try to give for the divine inspiration of the Qur’an is its literary beauty, but this is a highly questionable means of testing a document for divine inspiration. What would stop us from believing that Shakespeare’s writings were also divinely inspired? After examining these things, it would be safe to conclude that the Qur’an is not an inspired book.

A Great Awakening is Needed

last days

Our situation is not yet hopeless, but it is quickly approaching that point.

Oh?   I’m supposed to be preaching “Positive Mental Attitude”?

Funny…That is NOT what God told me to preach.  I was instructed, as was every other preacher who was actually commissioned by God, to preach His Scriptural truths, not what man wants to hear. (Unless that man actually desires to hear from God.)

If you do not like it, then you may call “1-800- TELL GOD” and see what that gets you.

(Be forewarned: you might not like His response, but He is God; you ain’t.)

J.C. Ryle listed seven characteristics of the messengers during the Great Awakening of the eighteenth century:

  1. They taught the supremacy of Holy Scripture.
  2. They preached the total corruption of human nature.
  3. They taught that Christ’s death upon the cross was the only satisfaction for man’s sin.
  4. They preached the doctrine of justification by faith.
  5. They taught the universal necessity of heart conversion and new creation by the Holy Spirit.
  6. They spoke of God’s eternal hatred against sin and of God’s love for sinners.
  7. They preached that there was an inseparable connection between true faith and personal holiness.  They never allowed for a moment that any church membership or religious profession was the least bit of proof of a man being a Christian if he lived an ungodly life.

These awakeners continually cried, “No fruit, no grace.”

We must learn that God is holy.  If we are to experience the manifest presence of God’s glory; we must repent.  When Isaiah saw the glory of God in the Temple, he was driven to brokenness, confession, and repentance.  Too many in the West desire to know the manifest love of God without the manifest holiness of God.  We have lost the message of true repentance.  Now the church in the West is the sleeping Giant.  Alarms have been sounded but there seems to be no great or even general awakening; if it doesn’t begin soon the giant may die in its sleep.

Let us pray

Satanic weapon

Pastor Ward Clinton

How to help Muslims act civilized

Inspired by the Draw Muhammad Contest in Garland Texas, where two Muslims tried to gun down the attendants and were killed by the police a new “draw Muhammad rally” was organized in Phoenix Arizona in front of the same mosque the Garland gunmen used to attend.

Hundreds of bikers attended the May 30, 2015 event, carrying their guns, availing themselves of the 2ndAmendment, in case their 1st Amendment came under attack.

The Muslims portrayed themselves as peaceful citizens and they even handed out free bottles of water to the media. One can only wonder, if these Muslims are so friendly and nice, who are those who shoot at the cartoonists, bomb, behead, rape and burn people.  Is it possible that the two from this Mosque were the exception, rather than the rule?  Not likely.

A bit of research shows this Mosque has a history of “radical” attitudes and activities.  Therefore, while they are acting civilized for the time being, you can count on them causing more trouble in the future unless people are prepared to challenge them the next time they start their bullying tactics.

Many people condemned the Drawing Muhammad contest arguing that it had no other objective than to provoke. They completely miss the point.

Cartoons neither prove nor disprove anything.  So what is the point?  The point is that if we act like cowards and censor ourselves, like after Muslims killed the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo, we would be submitting to their bullying, which only encourages them to do more and worse.  We send the message that we are afraid of you; that all it takes to make us do your bidding is to kill a few of us and the rest of us will be frightened to death.  Not only we will no longer offend you, we will even attack anyone who dares to.  In this way we would acknowledge that terrorism works and all Muslims have to do to make us comply with their whims is to kill a few of us and we will bend over backwards to appease them and make sure it won’t happen again.

Those who refuse to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

Islam means submission. You don’t “have to believe in Islam,” but you have to submit to it.  Non-Muslims are “not required” to convert to Islam.  Those of us who are paying attention know that that is a lie but it is what they like to claim in order to practice their stealth attack.  “There is no compulsion in religion,” said Muhammad. However, they must accept their second class status (dhimmitude) and pay the jizya tax as a sign of their submission. Their women must cover their heads and walk around looking like mobile trash-bags. They are not allowed to carry arms to protect themselves, serve in the army or government, display symbols of their faith, and build or repair places of worship. They must wear distinctive clothing wherever they go. The dhimmis are forbidden to ride horses and camels, and may only ride donkeys, and only on packsaddles. They must dismount, as the sign of respect to Muslims when they meet them. And their houses cannot be higher than the houses of Muslims. Rebelling against these laws entails punishments, such as slavery (under which rape is permitted), and execution.

Whether they are the minority or the majority, the Quran prohibits Muslims accepting the rules of unbelievers. “O believers do not take your fathers or your brothers as your guardians if they prefer disbelief to Islam. Whoever does so is a wrongdoer.”( 9:23) The only status acceptable to Muslims is that they should rule over others. “We made you an exalted nation, that you may be guardians over the people.” (2:143) On the other hand, Koran commands them to obey the rules of unbelievers if they do not have the strength or numbers to terrorize those they deem unbelievers.  It is when they think they are strong enough to bully that the ugly side of Islam exposes itself for what it really is.

Muslims start imposing their mastery as soon as they can. When Muhammad migrated to Yathrib, a Jewish town with substantial Arab refugees, (who were displaced due to the flooding of their country in Yemen), he had barely 200 followers. The population of the town was about eight to ten thousand people. However, his small band of followers managed to subdue the entire city, banish and massacre its indigenous population and changed its name to Madinat al Nabi (Prophet’s town) in just five years. How they did they do that? Through terror!  At Muhammad’s order, they assassinated the poets who composed critical verses against him.  People began to fear speaking against Islam lest they be killed.  Bullying works. He bragged, I have been made victorious with terror. [Bukhari 4:52.220]

Muslims follow the examples set by their prophet to try to conquer the world.  Countries that were not conquered through warfare were won through migration. Today Muslims migrate to the west and even though they are a small minority they cast terror in the hearts of the locals to make them submit. They assassinate the critics and the cartoonists. The spineless politicians, the shameless media and the clueless intellectuals are all showing their true cowardice and are telling Muslims that terrorism works; that we are afraid of you and will submit to your rules; that your barbaric blasphemy law is more important than our freedom of speech. We will sacrifice our freedom of speech, the very cornerstone of our democracy, vilify and prosecute those who offend you as longs as you threaten to kill us.

Phobia is an irrational fear. Muhammad wanted people to fear him. He said, “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.” (8:12) How can then we say the fear of Islam is irrational?   Islamophobia, as someone has pointed out, is a word invented by fascists, and used by cowards to manipulate morons.

Then we have Barak Hussein Obama’s outrageous statement that “the future must not belong to those who criticize the prophet of Islam.” This man who rarely speaks truth was at least truthful in his biography where he wrote: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.” Americans read it but hid their heads in the sand much like the Germans who read Mein Kamph hid theirs.

Obama is a Muslim who hates America. Anyone who doubts that needs to open their eyes and pay attention to the facts.  Unfortunately the corruption is widespread. Nidal Malik Hasan the Palestinian-American convicted of fatally shooting 13 people and injuring over 30 others in the Fort Hood mass shooting in 2009, shouted Allahu Akabr while executing his terrorist act and maintained that his motives were religious. Yet, the Department of Defense, supported by law enforcement, politicians, journalists, refused to make any connection between Islam and Hasan’s action despite his own assertions.

Daniel Pipes pointed out, “Were the subject not morbid, one could be amused by the disagreement over what exactly caused the major to erupt. Speculations included “racism” against him, “harassment he had received as a Muslim,” his “sense of not belonging,” “mental problems,” “emotional problems,” “an inordinate amount of stress,” the “worst nightmare” of his being deployed to Afghanistan, or something fancifully called “pre-traumatic stress disorder.” One newspaper headline, ‘Mindset of Rogue Major a Mystery,’ sums up this bogus state of confusion.”

There is no confusion. This is called dhimmitude. The two factors that promote it are fear and greed. The people, and those in power, including the media and the academia, are largely afraid of Muslims although some have been bought.  Many Universities receive donations from Iran and Saudi Arabia to create departments for Islamic studies that advance their agenda.

Therefore it is time for all Christians to stand up and say, “You shall proceed no further,” to the death cult of Islam and all of its enablers.  It is time for all freedom loving Americans to stand and stop the advance of the barbarians.  There will be a clash of civilizations but once the Islamofacist bullies see that we mean business they will suddenly decide to leave their 7th century behavior and become part of the civilized world.   …at least for a time.

  • Pastor Ward

Schumer’s Shutdown

The left’s religon is government and they will commit Jihad against any that deny their “religion’s absolute authority” over everyone!

It is Schumer’s shutdown of Government and Trump will not let the schemer cast the blame on him because Trump has a backbone and a big mouth and is not afraid to use it.

Thank you God, for givining us President Trump. MAGA

Politics and Religion

“Nothing frustrates me more than to hear church leaders boast about not being “political.” They hide behind this excuse for skirting the controversial issues of the day, such as the sanctity of human life, the definition of marriage, sin, or righteousness in the culture. None of these issues is political in nature. Each is moral and biblical in every sense of the word. Can you imagine Jesus Christ saying to the Pharisees, “I won’t be addressing the social issues because they are political in nature? He was crucified for confronting wickedness in high places. Paul and Silas and the other apostles were thrown in prison and eventually executed for being “political.” Reverend Martin Luther King sat in a Birmingham jail, writing about the political realities of racism. It would cost him his life. I believe many leaders who call themselves by the name of Jesus Christ will someday have to account for their cowardice in the face of abject evil. I pray that God will give me the courage to stand unflinchingly for righteousness when, like Bonhoeffer on the gallows, I am confronted by the forces of evil. I believe that time is coming for all true believers in biblical truth.” – Dr. James Dobson


From another chat group –

I asked one of my Arab friends who claimed to be a Palestinian, to tell me the meaning of the word Palestine. He said that he doesn’t know. I asked him if there has ever been a Nation called Palestine in history; if there was, what was the date of inception, details of currency, leaders, national anthem, flag, capital? He couldn’t answer the question.
I asked him again whether he knows where the name Palestine came from. He said no, and I asked him to take few minutes to Google it. He did and found out that the word ”Palestine” originated from the Hebrew word ”Philistine” meaning ”a person who is hostile”. I asked him what did he find. He said that everything he found is Zionist propaganda against the Palestinians.
I asked him, what language do the Palestinians speak? He said Arabic. I asked him does the Arabic language have the letter “P” in its alphabet, he kept silent and refused to answer.
I asked him again, how can you claim that you’re a Palestinian, yet you don’t know the meaning of Palestine. I gave him an example, In Hebrew the meaning of the name ISRAEL is: ”May God prevail”.
Every nation has names and names have meaning. Whether it’s people’s names or Nation’s, they all have meanings.
I asked him if he’s aware that Israel existed before Christianity and Islam? He said no that Israel was invented by the Zionists. I asked him, who are the Zionists, where did they come from and what is the meaning of Zionist? He couldn’t answer.
I said to him that if he believes that the Zionists invented Israel, it also means that the Zionists invented the Quran, Islam’s holiest scripture because the Quran mentioned Israel as a Nation and the Jews as People.
And the Quran actually made it clear that the land belongs to the Israelites.
“We [Allah] settled the Israelites in a blessed land and provided them with good things”. Qur’an 10:93

“Enter, My People, the Holy Land which Allah has assigned for you. Do not turn back, or you shall be ruined”. [Qur’an 5: 21]

“Pharoah sought to scare them [the Jews] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him, together with all who were with him. Then We said to the Israelites: ‘Dwell in this land. When the promise of the hereafter comes to be fulfilled, We shall assemble you all together [in the Land of Israel in the End of Days]”. [Qur’an 17:103]

“It was Our [Allah’s] will to favour those who were oppressed [the Jews] and to make them leaders of mankind, to bestow on them a noble heritage and to give them power in the land [of Israel]: and to inflict on Pharoah, Haman, and their army, the very scourge dreaded by their victims”. [Qur’an 28: 5-6]

“We [Allah] gave the persecuted people [the Jews] dominion over the eastern and western lands which We had blessed [the east and west banks of the Jordan River]. Thus your Lord’s gracious word was fulfilled for the Israelites, because they had endured with fortitude; and We destroyed the edifices and towers of Pharoah and his people”. [Qur’an 7:137]

I showed him the 5 verses above and asked him, if he believes that the Quran is eternal word of Allah and should be trusted and obeyed? He said yes but Quran also call them to make war with the Jews. I said to him, yes I know that but the Quran never told you Muslims to claim that Jewish lands belongs to the Muslims:
He said that he doesn’t want to talk about this issue again. I said to him that he should dig a little bit deeper because at the end of the day he will find out that he originated from Egypt, Syria or some other Arab country but there is no such thing as Palestinians.

Anas Suleiman
