Brother Rachid’s Video Message to Obama Regarding Islam

Brother Rashid a former Muslim speaks to Obama about what ISIL really is.

Unfortunately I believe BHO already knows the leader of ISIS has a Phd in Islamic Studies and that the members of ISIL are the true, not radical, Muslims following in the footsteps of Mohammad.  If one does not want to call them Moslems, then perhaps you should call them “Mohammedans” because, as Brother Rachid states, they are imitating Mohammad in every way that they possibly can.

–Pastor Ward Clinton

Tashfeen Malik, where are photos?

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How do you NOT have photos of the female, I thought she was given a Visa to be in the US?  Is it because every photo on record has her in a hijab? The Obama administration has been trying to deny any links to “Islamic Terrorism.”   Tashfeen Malik is believed to have posted her pledge to ISIS leader and self-proclaimed “caliph” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi shortly before the attack, in which she and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, stormed a San Bernardino party for his co-workers before escaping. She wasn’t declaring some grievance against her husband’s workplace, apparently.

The Daily Mail reports The pair died hours later in a shootout with police, and in the aftermath the 29-year-old Pakistani woman has remained largely a name without a face. No confirmed pictures of her have surfaced, and few details have emerged.

The pledge, posted on Facebook under another name and then deleted, was reported by The Associated Press, citing federal sources. It provided a fresh clue to Malik’s identity and motivation. The aura of mystery surrounding Malik has given rise to suspicions she may have been the radicalizing force who turned her new husband from an aloof county restaurant inspector into her cohort in carnage, an Islamist fanatic capable of murdering co-workers who had embraced him for years.