Lawfare Against Trump

It seems that the HARDER President Trump’s Enemies ( global cabal) try to destroy him, the more Americans support him.

Never has there been such crazed efforts to destroy a man politically and economically – and never have they backfired so spectacularly! That is because these evil people are fighting God, and I, like many, believe that Donald Trump has been anointed by God.

Leftists in the media are beside themselves. Globalist foreign leaders are fearful. Why? These people HATE Trump and want to “fundamentally transform America” Yet, it appears that one way or another, Donald Trump is coming back. He will regain the presidency, and he will take down the Deep State!

Hunter Biden Gun Indictment

When it comes to Joe Biden’s impeachment inquiry, the formerly prestige brands of American journalism are behaving like Mr. Magoo, Baghdad Bob, Sgt. Schultz & Monty Python’s Black Knight combined. They don’t need orders from the White House.

— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine), New York Post columnist Miranda Devine, author of Laptop from HellSeptember 14, 2023

The Truth About Joe

Benny Johnson – It’s amazing how fast the talking points are changing— they went from:“ Joe Biden never spoke with his son about business dealings” to
“Joe Biden just spoke about the weather” to
“Ok, Joe Biden did speak with his son about business dealings” to
“Alright, Joe Biden was actually present at these business meetings” “Yes, the Bidens took money from the Russians” to
“Yes, the Bidens took money from the Ukrainians” to
“Yes, the Bidens took money from Communist China” to
“But it was all legal!”
And now, we’ve reached the final stage which is: “But Joe Biden’s son died!” Apparently, since Joe Biden had a personal tragedy where his son Beau died, we should forgive him for breaking 461 statutes in our legal code.
This is Democrat logic.

Benny Johnson

This is due to the corrupt media that doesn’t hold Joe Biden accountable for anything. And it’s because Democrats like Dan Goldman carry water for Joe Biden by saying he only talked to corrupt business associates of Hunter’s about the weather. Nothing to see here. …suuurrrre… and the moon is made out of green cheese.

The U-haul NAZI


Chris Plante: U-haul ‘Nazi’ ‘White Supremacist’ driver who crashed near White House now all of a sudden gets charges severely downgraded after left-wing media frenzy backfires

“The supposed Nazi-sympathizing ‘White supremacist’ U-haul driver was charged with a laundry list of crimes, most notably perhaps threatening to kill or kidnap the President, VP and their families… had all these federal charges tossed out and replaced with a single count of property degradation.”

“Turns out he’s not even a U.S. citizen. They insisted he was a U.S. citizen from Missouri. Now he’s not a U.S. citizen, now he’s not trying to kill the President… uh, a completely crazy turn around here…” or is it? After all, you you are paying close attention the Antifa are actual NAZIS, in their activities and party loyalty – they’re relatively quiet now because their party is in power.

Cultural Activism

Although some, if not most, conservatives don’t believe in boycotting, I state unequivocally that if we want to win this culture war, we have to learn to fight using the Leeft’s tactics. Remember the old adage. “Nice guys finish last.”

the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. – Jesus, Luke 16:8

wiser in their generation – That is, though they are all egregious fools for rejecting God, they are truer to their principles; they more steadily pursue their own way then the Children of Light. Because of that evil men grow stronger and more vile.

Therefore, we who are the Children of Light must be awake and pro-active in changing the culture back to the better.

Jordan Neely

President Trump has shown us how wrong-headed New York City is. The D. A. will protect criminals and imprison the innocent.

This guy, Neely, had been arrested over 40 times. At least three were for violent assault against old women. But hey, he was a Michael Jackson impersonator, once upon a time, so he must have been a great guy. – or something –