Biden Declares War

In an address to the nation on Thursday night, Sep 1, 2022, Joe Biden said: “As I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault.  We do ourselves no favor to pretend othewise.  There is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.  And that is a threat to this country.”

Biden’s Twitter account followed up with a post saying that Trump and his “MAGA Republicans are a threat to this very country.”  Whether that was Biden or his handlers who posted that doesn’t matter.  It is a rather interesting accusation based on the very dark and sinister stage setting he had for his 1941-esq hate-filled speech which amounted to an attack on at least half of the American people.

Can someone please tell me exactly when it became unAmerican to question the results of an election?  As I recall, it was cool in 2016.  Was it right after election day 2020?

U.S. President #45 has accurately stated, “Joe doesn’t want to make America great again.”

“Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!  If he doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, which through [his] words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should be representing the United States of America!” – Donald J Trump

Trump White House Aide Stephen Miller said, “President Trump poured out his heart, his soul, his spirit everyday to build a  better America for everyone to build a safer and more prosperous America.  While Democrats and deep state launched an illegal operation to take him out and it is now in its sixth year.”

Miller added that Biden “gave the speech of a dictator, in the style of a dictator, in the visual of a dictator, using the words of a dictator.  This was his enemies of the state speech. And like every other radical, Marxist tyrant, he accused his opponents of being fascist while he engages in oppressive authoritarian behavior.

“He’s the one who’s forcing Americans against their will to take a vaccine.

“He’s the one who has violated our nation’s Constitution to open our borders.

“He’s the one who is interfering in the sacred relationship between parent and child to try to force dangerous medicine, puberty blockers, hormones, on our little kids.”

Trump added: “If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force.  He must be insane or suffering from late-stage dementia!”

Biden’s handlers, on Friday, sent old Joe out to walk back what he said on Thursday after the overnight polls showed the speech didn’t play well and the blowback was not going as expected.  The speech was somewhat reminiscent of Hillary’s deplorable speech.  At least she didn’t make a statement like “you have AR-15s, we have F-15s” the way Biden did.

Conclusion:  Joe is correct about one thing, our democracy [sic] is under assault but that assault is coming from the fascistic wannabe dictator, Joe Biden and his handlers as well as Sen Schumer and Pelosi and other likeminded Democrats and RINOs whose lust for power obviously knows no boundaries.

Bette Midler’s Weird Tweet

“Which one,” you might ask. She is a never-ending source of Hollyweird liberal lunacy, after all.

In a tweet she said, “Women of the world! We are being stripped of our rights over our bodies, our lives and even of our name! They don’t call us ‘women’ anymore; they call us ‘birthing people’ or ‘menstruators,’ and even ‘people with vaginas’! Don’t let them erase you!”


Bette’s Twitter feed is all about whining about the existence of the 2nd Amendment, Trump, and SCOTUS over-ruling Roe v Wade. She apparently thinks “birthing people” is a right-wing thing and not a Woke twat thing started by people on her side who have the opinion that men can be women. Strangely enough, though, she rejects the notion that women can be men; no effort to be “inclusive” there.

In spite of Bette’s convoluted “logic” the “they” in Bette’s tweet would be Joe’s administration and like-minded persons.  Perhaps she might want to call Biden and fuss at him instead of foolishly attacking her fellow “woke” ones.  As a washed-up CIS-gendered actress she might want to avoid offending her remaining but dwindling fan base although, woke-people tend to not be the brightest crayons in the box even though they imagine themselves to be.

Just saying; Eccl 10:2 is applicable, very applicable –

Second Amendment of US Constitution

Obama complained and called the Constitution a document of negative liberties. Initially that did not make sense to me, after considering what he said and watching his actions I began to realize that what he and many other leftists hate is that said document is intended to protect “We, the people” from power-hungry politicians who want to strip us of all our freedoms.

Twitter and Musk

I have no idea if Elon Musk is a believer or not. I do know that he’s currently fighting an evil machine so that puts me, at least temporarily, on his side. God has historically used many unlikely men and women to accomplish His purpose. This will be fun to watch. #JesusIsKing
-Gary Chapman singer/songwriter

Joseph R
Liberals don’t want free speech. They only want to allow speech that they agree with. This is why Facebook and twitter want to control speech and allow liberals to have the ability to preach hate on these platforms and shut down any speech that they don’t agree with. Liberals use these platforms to protect Democrats.

I actually saw a quote from a Washington post writer, stating in reference to Musk buying Twitter “democracy needs more moderation not less” really? some of these people say the most bizarre things, it’s like they have no self awareness at all.🤔

Brad Brown
I love watching the liberals flail and squirm at the thought of somebody getting away with disagreeing with them. All the tyrants of the past would just love today’s left wing Americans.

The internet was expecting fireworks between Elon Musk and Twitter’s Board of Directors this week. Not many, however, were expecting Ron DeSantis to enter the chat. America’s Governor was asked about Musk’s offer to buy the bird app and the board of directors launching a “poison pill” to reject it. The interesting thing is that DeSantis didn’t respond as a conservative critic of Big Tech, DeSantis answered the question as a Twitter shareholder. Florida’s pension fund is invested in Twitter. Twitter’s board of directors is making political decisions at the expense of shareholders which includes Floridians.

Florida’s pension fund is invested in Twitter. Twitter’s board of directors is making political decisions at the expense of shareholders which includes Floridians.

“We’re gonna be looking at ways the state of Florida potentially can be holding these Twitter board of directors accountable for breaching their fiduciary duty.”

He accused the board of being a ruling junta using their policies to try to marginalize people who disagree with them. He also pointed out how people most hostile to Musk are from corporate media outlets like Washington Post and CNN. “Their view is that they should be able to control the discourse. They should be able to control what you hear and think. They should be able to impose a narrative on our society,” an Elon Musk rep.

Now the shareholder part is where things start to get really interesting. Florida isn’t the only state whose pension fund is invested in Twitter. The market fluctuates, sure, but states rely on companies in their funds to be making the best financial decisions possible to increase share value. If a company is making a business decision for political reasons that adversely affect the fund, there is no reason to stay invested in it.